strong grant proposal strengthen

Write a strong grant proposal by listing successes

Strong grant proposals have lots of important elements: measurable objectives, a sensible budget, and a clear program description. One aspect of a strong grant proposal that is often overlooked, though, is an organization’s past successes.


When you’re writing a grant, be it for the federal government or a small family foundation, think of it as an application for a monetary investment. Your organization is trying out, competing for funding among many other equally worthy organizations. So what makes yours stand out?


Talk up your organization’s experience and past successes. These successes may be related to the program you’re writing the grant to fund, or they may be related to other services. Or both.


Some examples of aspects to touch on include the number of years the nonprofit has been in business, awards received, number of people served, and the skills and successes of your staff. Sometimes significant media coverage is helpful to mention, too. Detailing the growth your organization has achieved over its history will also contribute to a strong grant proposal.


The most important success to discuss are statistics: qualitative, hard data that show your organization’s strengths. If you have statistics that show the positive impact your organization has made, be sure to include this prominently. You will need to look back over your organization’s metrics and list the standout data that shows how your work has made the world a better place for those you serve. Show you run a strong organization, and you’ll have a strong grant proposal.


Be sure to learn about the additional elements that make a strong grant proposal.


Learn more about our grant writing services here.


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