grant writing need statement

Positioning your nonprofit for foundation grant writing success

As if grant writing itself wasn’t complicated enough, there’s a significant barrier to receiving grants on the foundation level, and it’s often overlooked by nonprofits: readiness.
We talk a lot about grant readiness at Professional Grant Writers. It’s an important topic for us as we help our clients position themselves to receive grants. Being “grant ready” will increase your chances of securing a grant, and there are some specific considerations to keep in mind that are unique to dealing with foundations. These include:

  • Contacting the funder before you start writing
  • Identifying and assembling your grant team
  • Developing a clear understanding of the eligibility criteria
  • Researching current and recent grantees
  • Developing a need statement, discussing sustainability, putting together a budget, gathering letters of support, and more.

The graphic below from shows the basics:


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