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This is the best way to get advice on grant applications

New nonprofits should not rush into grant writing.

But there are some things they can learn just by looking at some grant applications. We suggest you take a look at a few applications as you’re developing your programs, so you know what details to build in. You’ll pick up some great advice on grant applications. Then, when you start writing grants, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running.


Here’s why we suggest that strategy.

Grant applications can be extraordinarily detailed. The funders want to know everything about how you plan to make the project sustainable over the long term. They’ll ask what measurable outcomes you expect to see, even the qualifications of the people involved in implementing the project. They may ask about the start dates of the program, what community partners you have on board, and your rationale for starting the program.


Sometimes these are things that new nonprofits haven’t begun to think aboutor if they have, they haven’t thought of how to articulate them clearly. Reading through a grant application (or several) will help you fill in the blanks. You’ll pick up excellent advice on grant applications this way.


Need more advice on grant applications?

While there are some things a new nonprofit can do to be competitive in the grant process, the vast majority will benefit more from focusing on building name recognition, setting up programs, holding fundraising events, and just becoming sustainable. Funders will want to see that their money isn’t going to be wasted on a nonprofit that might fold before that money has a chance to make an impact.


Still want to write a grant for your new nonprofit? Check out my advice for first time grant seekers.


Interested in learning more about our grant writing services? Contact us.


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    • Avatar for Bill Karabinus

      Bill Karabinus

      08.04.2012 at 11:30 Reply

      Yes that is a great idea but where can I look at some grant applications?

      • Avatar for Megan Hill

        Megan Hill

        09.04.2012 at 09:05 Reply

        Hi Bill,

        Many foundations with websites also have downloadable application forms or application guidelines that you can peruse.


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