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Get organized before you apply for a federal grant

If your nonprofit is even thinking of writing a federal grant, it’s important you take a step back and make sure you have several items in place first. Once the grant opens and guidelines are released, you’ll probably have a very limited time to pull the proposal and all its myriad components together. So do yourself a favor and get organized now.


Collect boilerplates


Boilerplate pieces like budgets, 501c3 letter, board member list with contact information, and financial statements are all important. You’ll also need a rationale for your program and research discussing the problem or need of the client population as well. If your organization has gathered past data on its programs, have that at the ready too. Pointing to your successes will go a long way in a federal grant.


Plan to measure outcomes


If you don’t have objectives and a plan to measure outcomes for your program, put that together immediately. Without this piece, you might as well avoid applying for a federal grant—or any grant at all. Preparing this in advance will go a long way. Make sure that all program staff are giving input and are on board with the reporting requirements.


Get ready for your federal grant now

Federal grant applications are complex and cumbersome, so prepare as soon as you can.


Interested in learning more about our grant writing services? Contact us.


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