grant writing evidence research

Instantly improve your grant with a strong need statement

A strong grant proposal is a rare thing. To write one, you should incorporate a range of elements, from a sound budget to strong objectives. A well-written need statement is also critical.


One of the most overlooked aspects is the reasoning preferably the scientific reasoning behind the program and its design. You’ve written a strong need statement, backed up by lots of evidence, and you need to connect that need to what’s often called “the chosen intervention” in federal grant lingo.


What is the reasoning behind the program, and how will it solve the problems you describe in the need statement? Without this link, the funder does not have a basis for understanding why your program is better than all the other applicants’. For all the funder knows, this program is just a random development.


Your need statement should rely on strong evidence, like studies, statistics, and quotes from experts. These elements will explain why your program is designed the way it is, and how it will solve the problems faced by the community. The more specific, the better. You can quote past successes and cite similar programs that work in other cities. You can also name the experts who designed the curriculum. Even nonprofits with “cutting edge” programs also build them on some sort of logical reasoning.


Be as specific as possible. Avoid making broad generalizations about the need for your project. Instead, be specific about the issue you are addressing and how your project will address it. Provide details about the population you are targeting, the geographic area you are focusing on, and any other relevant factors.


You can also focus on the urgency of the issue to drive home your request for funding. Explain why the problem you are addressing cannot wait and why action needs to be taken now. In addition, explain the consequences of not taking action to address the problem. Explain how the problem will continue to worsen and how it will impact the community if nothing is done.


If you’re completely drawing a blank here, it might be time to retool the program and build a stronger foundation.


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