grant readiness steps

The importance of grant readiness

We have lost track of how many nonprofits write to our team hoping to hire a grant writer, only to find out they’re not quite ready to start writing grants. Grant readiness, then, becomes an important factor.


The truth is, most grant funders want to see a few years of financial stability (with audited financials and Form 990s), a history of accomplishments, a robust board of directors, and well-developed programs. New and start-up nonprofits may not be there just yet.


And so many of these nonprofits are in a rush to hire a grant writer. They end up spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on the grant writing process to no avail.


That’s why our team places such great emphasis on grant readiness. Before we sign on with a new client, we discuss in great detail their finances, organizational makeup, programs, and history to determine readiness. If they pass the “test,” so to speak, they’re ready for grant writing.


If they don’t, there are still ways we can help. Our team develops a comprehensive Grant Readiness Plan that includes concrete, actionable steps that will help lay the foundation for many years of grant writing success. This might include program development, board development, fundraising strategies, and outcome measurement guidance.


We then guide the implementation of that plan, ensuring you’re taking the right steps and that the process of becoming competitive for grants is a smooth one.


Only then do we begin grant writing in earnest — because we’re not here to take your money and run. We’re in this business to help, and that means doing our due diligence with all new clients to make sure your investment of time and money is a wise one.


Interested in learning more about our grant writing services? Contact us.


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