grant editing services

Should you try grant editing services?

Organizations occasionally prefer to write grants in house rather than hire a professional grant writer. But sometimes it can also help to have a second (or third, or fourth) set of eyes on a grant proposal. That’s where grant editing services can help.


A skilled grant editor can offer a fresh perspective on a proposal. They’ll look for areas that could use improvement, from sentence-level edits to broad-scale areas of weakness. Grant editors can ensure you’re submitting the strongest, most competitive proposal or application possible.


Grant editing services

At Professional Grant Writers, we assign one expert to review your proposal when you enlist us for grant editing services. The consultant reads through the proposal, polishing, revising, and making suggestions where helpful.


Here are some things we look at when performing grant editing services:


Is it well written?

A skilled editor will make sure your writing is as concise and compelling as possible. We make sure it’s grammatically correct and that there are no typos or spelling errors. This also includes removing jargon, confusing abbreviations, and other potential hang-ups when necessary.


Is it well constructed?

We’ll also make sure you present your argument well, with no gaps in your reasoning. If we see areas of weakness, we’ll point out how you can improve. We’ll also mention any gaps or questions that come to mind when we read the proposal and perform grant editing services.


Does it adhere to the guidelines?

We also compare your proposal or application to the guidelines, making sure you’re following all of the funder’s criteria. We’ll take a close look at the entire application, weighing it against the funder’s rubric, just as a grant reviewer would. We make sure you’re sticking to requirements like word, character, and page counts, style requirements, and more. We’ll also ensure your attachments are formatted correctly.


Learn more about our grant editing services, as well as our grant writing services here.


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    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Robert Shear

      Robert Shear

      05.10.2021 at 01:22 Reply

      I think adherence to guidelines should come first. Statements that are not responsive to what the donor asks frequently spring up when proposals are drafted in-house, especially if writers are proud of their work and anxious to tell their story.

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