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Communication is key to successful grant writing

Discussions around grant readiness often involve nuts and bolts elements of grant writing: budgets, 501(c)3 letters, program details, past accomplishments. We talk about stats and quantitative data. And those things are incredibly important when it comes to successful grant writing once it leaves your office and lands on the desk of a foundation or other grantmaker.


But good communication is also key to successful grant writing. Without open and effective lines of communication among staff, the right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing. And that can mean the various aspects of the grant proposal are disjointed. Communication between the staff (or a central contact person) and the grant writer is similarly crucial. Grant writers need to receive information and answers to questions in a timely, thorough manner. Otherwise, the grant is sloppy, rushed, and incomplete.


Is your organization ready and able to work closely with a grant writer to exchange information? If not, you’re probably not ready to write a grant. And you may not be able to succeed in grant writing. If you’re able to make room in your schedule to ensure the grant writer receives what she needs, and when she needs it, chances are you’re organized and ready to go.


Interested in learning more about our grant writing services? Contact us.


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