How to find grants for international nonprofits

How to find grants for international nonprofits

A large portion of our grant writing work comes from international nonprofits. They’re either based in the U.S. but working abroad, or they’re located overseas. It’s much more challenging to find grants for these nonprofits, but it’s certainly possible if you know where to look. Here are our top resources for finding grant prospects for international nonprofits:


  1. Candid: The Foundation Center and Guidestar’s online database is our favorite place to start  grant prospect research for both domestic and international nonprofits. You may consider paying for a subscription or seeing if your local library has free access.
  2. Grant Station: Though not as slick-looking as the Foundation Center, Grant Station is the best place to find international grant opportunities. There is rarely any overlap between what we find in the Foundation center and what we find in Grant Station’s database. This is also a subscription-based service, but as professional grant writers doing lots of these searches, it’s definitely worthwhile.
  3. Instrumentl: A newer platform, Instrumentl combines the search function with tracking, so you  can find and track grant opportunities and application submissions all in one place.
  4. Google: We like to run a Google search before we wrap up any grant prospect research. We try both broad and narrow keyword searches, and we can usually dig up a handful of opportunities not listed in either database. And the best part is, it’s free!


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