grant corporation search

How do I find grants from corporations?

How do I find grants from corporations? A great question came to us via Twitter from @PNOLA:


@ProGrantWriter How do you find out about corporate grants? Is there a central place? Say if I want to see if Sbux does corporate donations.


Our team uses Instrumentl’s database, which lists thousands of corporations and their donation processes in a corporate grant database. Their directory also has some corporate donors, if they give grants through company-sponsored foundations. Another option is Foundation Directory Online through Candid, which also lists corporate grants. This is also a subscription-based databases, so if you can’t afford a subscription and don’t want to hire a grant writer to do the research for you, some libraries and nonprofit resource centers offer it for free.


To find grants from corporations, try checking corporate websites. If you have a specific company in mind, like Starbucks or WalMart, and want to see whether they give either in-kind donations of products or grants, simply go to their website. Most large companies have a webpage on corporate responsibility that will discuss their donations and grants. Others may list this information in their company profile or “about” page.


When you are ready to apply for a corporate grant, you’ll want to keep these tips in mind. Using this approach will ensure you’re submitting a strong grant application that has a good chance of success.


Interested in learning more about our grant writing services? Contact us.


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    • Avatar for Tracy Last

      Tracy Last

      22.09.2012 at 08:20 Reply

      Thank you for your blogs on grant writing tips.

    • Avatar for Larrietta Jacquett

      Larrietta Jacquett

      31.10.2012 at 17:38 Reply

      I can not thank you enough, as I am utilizing your tips.
      Thank You!

    • Avatar for ruth


      01.04.2015 at 07:00 Reply

      I realize this is an old post, but I wanted to weigh in. A caveat to seeking support from corporations: Relationships are very important. Simply identifying and applying to a corporate foundation is often insufficient to convince a company that your cause is worthwhile. The best way to pursue corporate funding (aside from applying, of course) is to get to know the folks who run it. Make connections through your governing board. Invite company leaders to functions or recruit them as board members. Learn their interests first. Build your case. And as I always tell nonprofit reps: get your own financial house in order before you ask for ANY type of grant. Get your fundraising and sustainability plan in place. A grant will NOT SUSTAIN you after its expiration!

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