federal grant readiness nonprofit

Is your nonprofit ready to apply for a federal grant?

Our team of professional grant writers talks a lot about nonprofit grant readiness. We are constantly assessing our clients to make sure they’re in the best place possible to compete for grants. If they don’t have all the pieces and parts in place to be competitive, we don’t write a grant until after we’ve helped them get there. Grant readiness is a major part of our ethos, and we think it should be a much bigger part of the conversation nonprofits are having before they apply for a federal grant.


Federal grants are much more complex than your average foundation grant, and we we assess nonprofits more rigorously before helping them apply for a lengthy government grant.


We want to make sure nonprofits have these items (in addition to others) in place before we help them apply for a federal grant:


  1. Board list with contact information and affiliation
  2. List of key staff with job descriptions or resumes
  3. Strategic plan
  4. Strong list of goals and objectives with data on previous accomplishments
  5. Organizational budget and program budget
  6. At least two to three years of audited financial statements
  7. Procedures for managing federal grants
  8. SAM and DUNS registration


This list helps give us some sense of a nonprofit’s ability to apply for a federal grant. We also look for a general sense of commitment to the fast turnaround time associated with a federal grant and the long hours, teamwork, and attention to detail required of these projects.


Interested in learning more about our grant writing services? Contact us.


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