Are small grants worth the effort?
A nonprofit client approached us with an interesting question: Is it worth my while to go after small grants (around $1,000 to $10,000)...
A nonprofit client approached us with an interesting question: Is it worth my while to go after small grants (around $1,000 to $10,000)...
Corporations are often thought of as potential in-kind donors for nonprofits. For example, grocery stores may be willing to donate food for an...
If you've written grants, chances are you've experienced rejection. Often, that is simply due to funders not having enough money to go around;...
Too many new nonprofits look to hire a grant writer before they're ready to write grants. Or they try to hire grant writers...
If you've written grants for a while, you've probably experienced it: that sinking feeling when you realize — or your employer tells you...
Across a range of sectors, grant funding can be a critical factor in turning visions into reality. And professional grant proposal writing services...
We've talked a lot about using evidence to establish the need or the problem your nonprofit is working to solve. You need to...
It's important for any nonprofit to measure their effectiveness at solving the problems they're addressing. But it's especially imperative for a nonprofit to...
Even well-organized, well-established nonprofits may find their grant writing efforts are failing. There are several reasons this may be happening, and you might...
It can be very attractive for an organization, nonprofit or for-profit, to hire grant writers to work on commission. And it's probably also...